Tuesday 18 June 2013

Obesity Across America’s College Campuses

Obesity Across America’s College Campuses

Obesity in America is rampant; 35.7 percent of all Americans adults are obese or overweight according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and 17 percent of children and teens are obese. However, despite the well-know dangers obesity can cause in people’s health like diabetes, stroke, and even cancer, no one is immune to this epidemic—not even college students.
Because of the freedom that college-life may represent, including being away from home, hectic schedules, and an even busier social life packed with sports and events, some students may find that it’s challenging to live a healthy live-style while flying solo. Myth or not, the Freshman 15 is something students may face during their college years.
study conducted by the CDC in 2005 revealed that 3 out 10 college students were overweight or obese. Also, many of these students didn’t exercise or ate enough fruits or vegetables—all necessary for keeping a healthy weight. To make matters worse, social disparities like race, sex, accessibility to healthy food choices and adequate exercise facilities can also have an effect in college students to become obese or overweight, according to a study published by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. 
America’s Health Trends went around Quinnipiac University’s (QU) campus and talked to students about their eating and exercise habits, important tools against obesity. We are happy to report that we came across a couple of people who were truly engaged in fitness and healthy eating.
Samantha Bookbinder, QU Senior
samantha bookbinder
“I go to the gym probably about once or twice a week. When I was a freshman I actually lost weight and I think it has to do with the meal plan because you don’t have another cafeteria—like an all-you-can-eat cafeteria like other schools.”
Christa Romano, QU Junior
christa romano
“I’m a student athlete so that requires a lot of working out and fitness. I also try to eat healthy throughout the week and I also try to plan my meals, so I know what’s in them. I can control my portion size and know what’s in my food.”
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