Thursday 30 August 2012

What type of leader are you?

Part 2. Define the type of leader you are or like to follow.  Transformational, participative or democratic leaders are focused on the performance of group members, but also want each person to fulfill their potential. This style draws on people’s knowledge and skills, and creates a group commitment to the resulting goals.  It works best when the direction the organization should take is unclear.  Leaders with this style often have high ethical and moral standards that lead to positive changes in those who follow.

Transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic and passionate about their goals, values and vision such as Richard Branson.

Authoritarian leaders make decisions independently with little or no input from the rest of the group.  They are sometimes referred to as commanding.  This is classic model of “military” style leadership – probably the most often used, but the least often effective. since it rarely involves praise and frequently employs criticism, under-cutting morale and job satisfaction.
Delegative leaders offer little or no guidance to group members and leave decision-making up to group members.  Here the team takes control of the situation.

A toxic leader is someone who has responsibility over a group of people or an organization, and who abuses the leader-follower relationship by leaving the group or organization in a worse-off condition.  I'm sure you have seen this in your past.
Narcissistic leadership has been documented whereby leaders demonstrate an egotistical preoccupation with self, personal preferences, aspirations, needs, success, and how he/she is perceived by others.   It is not very enjoyable to work in this environment.

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