Thursday 7 June 2012

Part 1. E-Marketing Strategies.- Monitor & Respond

The new marketing environment strongly suggests that the most powerful social-media strategies focus on a limited number of marketing responses closely related to individual touch points along the consumer decision journey.  One of the most critical—monitoring what people say about your brand—is so important that it really is a core function of social media, transcending across the entire consumer decision journey.  Other strategies underpin efforts to use social media to respond to consumer comments, to amplify positive sentiment and activity, and to lead changes in the behavior and mind-sets of consumers.
1. Monitor  Knowing what’s said online about your products and services.  This should be a default social-media function, taking place constantly.   It’s also critical to communicate such feedback within the business quickly: whoever is charged with brand monitoring must ensure that information reaches relevant functions, such as communications, design, marketing, public relations, or risk.
2. Respond  Responding in order to counter negative comments and reinforce positive ones will only increase in importance.  The responsibility for taking action may fall on functions outside marketing, and the message will differ depending on the situation.  No response can be quick enough, and the ability to act rapidly requires the constant, proactive monitoring of social media—on weekends too.   By responding rapidly, transparently, and honestly, companies can positively influence consumer sentiment and behavior.

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